Louise Barbatiello
STEM Teacher, Melbourne Australia As an experienced STEM educator in Australia, I am dedicated to fostering a passion for STEM amongst students from Prep to Six. I am also passionate about sharing my knowledge of teaching STEM to other educators around the world and have been featured in the STEM Connect magazine fall issue 2024.
About this speaker
I am Louise Barbatiello and I am a Prep to Six STEM teacher in Melbourne Australia. I have passion for STEM education and my goal is to engage students in their learning by providing them with hands on learning experiences. STEM education is our future and we need to prepare students for it. My areas of expertise lies in the promotion of effective and engaging practices. I am continuously on the lookout for innovative activities and lessons that can foster a genuine passion for STEM learning amongst students. STEM challenges are my personal favourite as it allows students to build on their team work skills and their knowledge of the Engineer Design Process. I have a passion for sharing my knowledge of STEM education and have made connections with may STEM educators within Australia and around the world. My commitment for STEM education stems from its profound impact on preparing students for future careers, nurturing their curiousity exploration and imagination and providing tangible, practical experiences that enhance their understadning of the world around them.